Dear Young Artists: Blaze On


Let this be a reminder that this world will toss you as much as you can handle, and a little more. And the way to handle it is to blaze on with a sense of humor, being entirely and unashamedly you. And let me be the one to tell you, no one will give you permission. You have to TAKE IT. INVENT IT. CREATE IT from scratch, or piece it together from what you’ve got. Every little or big thing you do or become is built on top of what you know, what you’ve seen and what you’ve done thus far. So, if you have a vision for yourself, or even a glimpse of a vision for yourself, the only real way to achieve it is to piece it together from the pieces you’ve got. And fly in the face of any opposing force, of which there will be many — forever. You’re never so good that you won’t experience rejection, disappointment, and immense obstacles in your path. As you get better, the stakes get higher, the fall grows greater. So settle in to the feeling that you are a warrior, here to play the game, laugh at the odds, and be so bold as to enjoy yourself in the process.




Exotic Memory


How to Not Procrastinate